Wednesday, 19 April 2017

Deceiving Shortcut workouts

Hi Guys, I am back with one more :)

This time around it’s about the motivation on social media. I would rather call it deceiving information. 😊

I see number of videos\articles and picture proposing the quick fat loss/flat abs/muscle gain workouts.

They are titled like "7 minutes fat loss", "10 mins flat abs", "15 days weight loss", " 21 days flat stomach"  and the list goes on. Google these phrases and see the number of results for yourself.

Now the best thing about these tips are that they turn you on immediately. And you start dreaming about the flat abs in 15 days, 21 days with 10 mins workout.

And then the reality strikes, and it come with disappointment. After 15-20 days you realize it’s not working 😢

Fact of the matter is that there is no such quick fix. If it were so easy everyone would have been fit.

 Something like "If greatness was easy to be achieved, everyone would have been great"

There are few very important things that most of these articles don’t tell you.

Part 1: Scientific Principles of calorie burn

Now let’s look at this from scientific principle of caloric consumption\burn rate. 
Some of the most intense workout burn around 800 calories per hour, so for 10 mins it 133 calories. 
And as I mentioned previously you need to burn 7700 calories to loose 1 KG of body fat. So based on this calculation 7700/133 it will take 57 days to reduce 1 KG. 😲

Part 2: Scientific Principles of Workout design
Now let’s look at guidelines for workout

1.    Before you start any exercise you need 5-10 mins of warm-up (oh forgot your program was only for 10 mins 😂)
2.    These 7 mins or 10 mins cycles usually needs to be repeated 3-4 times in a session, which makes around 30-40 mins of workout. (another disappointment isn't it) 
3.    After you finish your workout you need to cool down and stretch for 5-10 mins. (they never told you this)

So all-inclusive this needs to be a 40 mins to 60 mins session. Wooo that's way longer than what you thought it was. 

Part 3: Diet and Nutrition plan. (this was never included)

Now let me tell you the biggest secret, that no fitness program is complete without diet. Shocked?

Whatever your fitness goal may be, if it’s not supplemented by the correct type of diet and nutritional program it’s not going to deliver results.

Only sustainable and balanced workout and diet plans will provide long lasting and satisfactory results.

"There is no shortcut to success" 
So stop looking for these quick tips on internet, instead follow proper guidelines for workout and diet to achieve your goals.

Slow and steady wins the race applies even today :)
Hope this will help you chose right workout for yourself.

Dhaval Bhadeshiya

Certified Fitness and Lifestyle coach

Monday, 10 April 2017

The Special Journey

I had to write this one, about the most enjoyable journey I have had.

It all started somewhere at the end of the 20th century year 1999-2000 in the city of Rajkot (This is not a story of a period movie). This was my first step in to the world of fitness and from then onwards there is no looking back.

This post is going to be all about giving credit to all the people who have played important role in this Journey.

So now let me start by the mention of the first person, and he is the most special person Pushan Savalia. My dearest friend who introduced me to the world of fitness. It all started then as fun and desire to be physically strong. Access to internet and right coaching was almost negligible back then. But we were so passionate and dedicated that we went to every place n person where we could learn from. He was my partner in workout for most of the time I was in rajkot. We helped, motivated, corrected each other and learned a lot by trial and error. We also managed to get "encyclopedia of bodybuilding" by Arnold Schwarzenegger. (This book itself was so heavy that you can workout with it 😆).

Second mention and thanks goes to my Family. No one in my family or even distant relation had been to a gym or Akhada. These were very crucial years for my studies as I was in 11th and 12th grade. But my Mom n Dad, never stopped me from going to gym. My Sister with whom I shared lot of my boring gym and workout stories 😆. My Wife in spite of being as busy as we are taking away couple of hours of time away from home.

Having spent years working out in different cities and lot of different gyms I always thought there was a need for better trainers in the Industry. And I always thought I can be a very good trainer. Having this thought always in back of my mind somewhere in 2014-15 I seriously started thinking about it and started my research. Spoke to some of the best trainers, gym owners, my family etc.

And I finally I decided to give it a shot. So if you want take up something professionally then you need to do it like a professional. So I took up a course with certification. Read lot of international books and blogs. And Finally got certified. Here is where I would like to thank Praveen Sp for his guidance and being the mentor he has been.

It took 16+ years of preparation to reach where I am. Having turned professional for sometime now, I am enjoying this life.

Before I conclude I need to thank Rohith KrishnacharBalamurali RamachandraGautham Sangappa and Rakesh Kumar for their help support and guidance and encouragement.

Dhaval Bhadeshiya

Certified Fitness and Lifestyle coach